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Throwback Thursday - The Meeting of a Lifetime

Updated: Apr 24

It was exactly a year ago yesterday, on March 6th, that our seminary community had the tremendous opportunity to meet with Pope Francis. During a trip to Rome last year, commemorating our seminary community's 175th anniversary, we were honored with a private audience with His Holiness, Francis. This encounter is etched in my memory and is truly unforgettable.

Upon our arrival at the Papal Household at approximately 10:30 am (Rome time), we were directed through security and subsequently accompanied through the renowned iron gate into the majestic foyer of the papal apartments. Once our entire group had convened, a papal butler led us through numerous staircases to the Sala Clementina - the Clementine Hall in the Apostolic Palace. The staircases, exquisitely crafted with luxurious marble and adorned with magnificent frescoes, were marvels in themselves. Passing through the Courtyard of San Damaso and entering another edifice, we encountered more stairwells. Ultimately, we arrived at the exquisite Sala Clementina Hall.

Example of the Vatican Staircase Courtyard of San Damaso

Upon entering the audience hall, each of us took our seats and awaited the entrance of the Holy Father. After nearly 45 minutes (the Pope is never late ...) the doors to the right of the Pope's chair opened, revealing the figure of Francis, adorned in his famous all-white attire. Applause filled the hall as he made his entrance, moving slowly and leaning on a humble cane for support. He greeted our group with a gentle wave and a wide smile. I distinctly recall feeling greatly blessed and humbled by this remarkable experience. The Pope proceeded to his chair, and we all took our seats.

After the initial salutations delivered by Bishop Edward Malesic, Pope Francis proceeded to express his gratitude to God for the substantial number of priests who have been nurtured by the seminary over the course of nearly two centuries. He highlighted the ongoing commitment of the seminary in the present time, emphasizing its role in the instruction and preparation of deacons and lay ministers, who are entrusted with the task of supporting the devout community in fulfilling their vocation as missionary disciples.

After receiving the Pope's address during our visit in Italy, each of us was provided with an English translation. Following this, the Pope personally greeted each of us and bestowed upon us a blessed rosary bearing his coat of arms. Additionally, I received a special gift for my sisters: a zucchetto, one of the small white hats commonly seen worn by the Pope. It is a well-established tradition that when presented with a new zucchetto, some popes would exchange their current one with the newly presented one. Although Pope Francis did not partake in this exchange, he kindly accepted the zucchetto I offered and placed it on his head for a brief moment before returning it to me. Truly, a blessed zucchetto indeed!

Myself with Pope Francis

I will forever cherish the moment I met His Holiness, the Pope, a man whom I deeply respect and admire. It is no secret that not everyone shares the same sentiment. Francis is a proactive figure unafraid to address critical issues impacting our world today. He has been vocal about climate change and the importance of environmental conservation. He has advocated for the support of the impoverished and the most vulnerable in society. Throughout his 11 years as Pope, he has consistently emphasized the imperative of collective journey and unity, encapsulated in the Italian term "tuti," meaning all as one. Many find discomfort in this notion, as it challenges the idea of individual autonomy. As a religious leader, he encourages us to prioritize the well-being of others over ourselves, echoing the message of a man who did the same over two millennia ago.

It is astonishing how swiftly time passes. Reflecting on the fact that a year has already elapsed since my encounter with the Pope is truly remarkable. I am compelled to share the same sentiments that Pope Francis imparted to us a year ago. His Holiness urged us to delve deeper into our attunement to the divine, to journey together in harmony, and to bear witness to our faith. These fundamental principles delineate our seminary training and the Church's synodal expedition. It is important to note that this counsel is not solely directed at seminarians and priests. Each one of us can strive to attune ourselves more closely to the divine, to journey alongside one another, and to manifest our faith in our daily lives.

Peace and Happy Walking Together "tuti"!


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