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It's time for restoring joy

Lately, I've been through a few situations that have truly stolen my joy. If you're anything like me, someone who always seeks joy in every little thing, then you know exactly how terrible this feeling can be. It's absolutely crushing.

In a world overflowing with anger, anxiety, and hatred, our personal and inner joy should be treasured above all else. When we succumb to negativity and allow it to taint our interactions, we perpetuate the cycle of hurt and suffering. Each time we lash out or spread our own pain to others, we diminish the joy within them. It's unjust to burden others with our own emotional turmoil. We know the sting of being wounded, so why would we inflict that same pain on anyone else? Let's break this senseless cycle and choose to spread joy and compassion instead.

In his Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel), Pope Francis passionately expresses, “Whenever we encounter another person in love, we learn something new about God.” This profound statement from the Holy Father beautifully guides us in approaching every situation and conversation with fervor and compassion. At times, we may need to share difficult truths, and although truth can sting, approaching others with love allows us to demonstrate our care and concern, even amidst challenging conversations. In the end we need to ask ourselves "what have I learned new about God?"

When our own joy is stolen from us, we must swiftly reclaim it! This past weekend, as I gazed out my bedroom window at the rectory of The Basilica of St John the Baptist in downtown Canton, Ohio, a piece of my joy was restored by the breathtaking beauty of God's creation. The arrival of spring in Northeast Ohio - the warmth of the sun, the vibrant flowers, and blossoming trees - breathed new life into my spirit, replenishing the well of my inner joy. How do you restore your own inner joy? If I may, let me passionately suggest some things that have profoundly helped me set aside the busy world of business for a while. These practices have empowered me to reclaim the joy that draws me closer to God and enables me to love all those people in my day-to-day life.

  • Get outside and take a walk! Take in the beauty of Springtime. Feel the warmth of the sun and take a few minutes to enjoy the flowers.

  • Pop in your earbuds and get lost in the music. Listen to some music that energizes you and helps you to drown out all the negativity around you.

  • Pick up the phone and CALL a friend or loved one. (Not a text, a call!) You can do this while you take that walk outside. Call someone who always gives you joy. Someone who always makes you laugh and smile. Call someone you have not talked to in a while and reconnect with them in love by simply checking in.

  • Turn off the TV and sit down for a meal with your family and/or friends. Like the meal we share at every celebration of the Sacred Mass, the meals you share around your dining room or kitchen table have the ability to change your life. Talk, laugh, smile, share with your loved ones and know that the Spirit of God is in your midst as you share your love and joy with each other.

  • Pick up a book - could be a novel, spiritual reading, Sacred Scripture - instead of your phone and get lost in the story.

Pope Francis passionately reminds us, "Joy adapts and changes, but it always endures, even as a flicker of light born of our personal certainty that, when everything is said and done, we are infinitely loved." Each one of us is loved even amidst the most challenging times and situations. Because of this profound love, we are called to wholeheartedly share it with others. Do you need to restore your joy? Well, how do you plan to reclaim it? How will you share your love and joy today with the other people in your life? Don't forget to share your joys and sorrows with the Lord. Remember to express gratitude to God for the continuous support and love you receive and have received in this life.

The moral of the story, don't steal joy ... be joy and pass it along to others!


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